The understanding of what Feng Shui is goes beyond a simple and comprehensive answer. It is the old Chinese art of wrapping space, time, colors, shapes and light in a shell that is influenced by directions, forms in the surrounding landscape, directions of streets, and many other factors.
Feng Shui is a process and a lifestyle rather than a final product. Taking part in this process is the reason Cristiano Falconi became, after a Law degree with History, a Feng Shui consultant.
Cristiano is doing his best to involve Feng Shui in many different fields of our life, from a studio apartment to a hotel, from a personal horoscope to an entire new brand identity.
His goal is to make the vibration of each of my client at its best! Once your space and your lifestyle are vibrating with the surrounding energy, you will better understand what is your goals if life.
Interested in studying Feng Shui?
Please contact: info@cristianofalconi.com