Cristiano Falconi was born in Lugano (Switzerland) in 1974.
After to secondary school Cristiano read Law at Urbino University (Italy) where he graduated in Law with History.
In an atmosphere impregnated with history, art and beauty, Cristiano started to practice yoga and meditation and became aware of his need to create harmony around himself.
This inner search for harmony brought him close to the ancient practice of Feng Shui, which Cristiano perceives as the answer to the human need for balance and harmony in living environments that allow people to feel well and realise their aims.
In 2009, after completing his studies at one of the most prestigius Feng Shui Foundation, Cristiano become an internationally certified Feng Shui practitioner and consultant.
He believes, in order to provide the best guidance to his customers and to excel as a Feng Shui practitioner, that it is vitally important to continuously update his knowledge and skills on the fast aspects of Feng Shui. He does so by consistently doing research and studying the various aspects of the principles and art of Feng Shui.
Furthermore , Cristiano maintains a close relationship with his Feng Shui Master and the Foundation by attending yearly workshops to further develop his skills in the different aspects of Feng Shui.
Since 2010 Cristiano is settled in Dubai and provides consultations in Middle East and Europe.